The Candy Snatchers 1992-Present


  • Larry May: Vocals
  • Matthew Odietus: Guitar
  • Willy Johns: Bass
  • Sergio Ponce: Drums
  • Doug Goose Duncan: Bass
  • Hans Molnar: Guitar
  • Darbe Warner: Bass
  • Brian idle edsel Diederich: Bass
  • Rob Conger: Guitar
  • Johnny Yeagher: Bass/Guitar
  • Suke: Guitar
  • William Gillmore Weber: Guitar
  • Greg Miller: Drums
  • Barry Johnson: Drums
  • Collyn Coates: Drums
  • Geert Dead Elvis: Guitar
  • Yaspers van Gerwen: Guitar
  • Roel van Merlot: Drums

Adjunct Members

  • Sergio’s Little Brother: Bass
  • Vas Kumar: Bass
  • Dean Rispler: Bass
  • Steve Baise: Bass
  • Brian Hurd: Harmonica

The Candy Snatchers formed in 1992 with Larry, Matthew, Greg, and Willy. The band played many shows locally and started touring soon after, ultimately doing ten US tours and two European tours. The band continues to play shows but hasn’t toured lately. The band quickly became known for cutting themselves on stage with glass from broken bottles. Sometimes members of the audience would light the Willy and his bass on fire.

“If someone was an asshole, Larry would help the bouncers forcefully remove the people from the premises. For example, one time an audience member was taunting Matt and touching his guitar, causing Matt to kick and spit at the guy. Larry saw this, and knowing that Matt might get into a fight he could not win, Larry jumped into the audience and removed the person from the club and saved the show. This sort of altercation would happen regularly with particularly rowdy crowds. The energy of the music got everyone riled up into a super party frenzy. Shows would end with glass all over the floor, and band members burnt and bleeding.”

The first seven inch record was titled Pinto Pony, followed by Golddigger. There were many albums and records that followed.

“I was honored to join as the last bass player of one of my favorite bands in 2004. We got to play a bunch of great shows. The band had songs ready for the last album long before I joined. Dean Rispler said he would produce the album. We didn’t have gas money to go up to New York so we had to go by the Tap House in Norfolk and mooch money from our friends. By the time we left town, it was late and we pulled in with everyone asleep except for me driving. I had to pull off the highway to puke. Once we were in New York, we were treated like kings, given all the beer, pizza, white castle and weed we wanted. Dean had fun driving my convertible El Dorado Biaritz Cadallic on the way to the studio each day while we were recording Down at Delilah's.”

Brian Hurd from Daddy Long Legs performed harmonica and backing vocals on Down at Delilah's. He also played several shows with the band.

The band continues to play occasional shows.

The Candy Snatchers Fandango Records page

Thanks to Jake Starr at Fandango Records for his help with providing album covers for the Music page and for maintaining a separate Candy Snatchers site for so many years.

Thanks to 69 Charger for providing reviews and articles from the now defunct drunkenblur website and for keeping that site going for years.

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